1-Minute Microwave Chocolate Chip Cake

This cake recipe is revolutionary, perfect to satisfy your cravings in an instant! All you need are a few basic ingredients and a Minute! It can’t get any easier than this!

Quick and Easy-1 Minute Chocolate Cake

Are you new to the baking world? Don’t know how to bake? Don’t own an oven? Don’t have the patience to bake a cake? or have a sudden craving for chocolate that needs to be satisfied within a minute? If your answer is YES to any of these questions, then read on. This recipe is for you! If you thought my 6 minute eggless vanilla sponge cake was brilliant, you will go gaga over this one. This chocolate chip cake is ever so moist and fixes all the chocolate craving you have. The best part is you don’t need an oven, or any fancy ingredients or time to make this. This is pure indulgence without any effort or time! Can it get any better? Guess not! 😀

Quick and Easy-1 Minute Chocolate Cake

Quick and Easy-1 Minute Chocolate Cake

I learnt to make this cake from Nigella Lawson’s TV show many years back. Back then I didn’t own an oven and didn’t even know how to bake properly so this cake was my go to recipe and it never disappointed me! Always moist, always quick. Try it once and you will never go back. It is perfect for beginners who are intimidated of baking cakes.

The recipe uses pretty basic ingredients, flour, sugar, cocoa powder, milk, melted butter and eggs. Yes this cake has one egg but no other leavener. Egg is actually what makes the cake cook so quickly and hold its shape. I added white chocolate chips, they do look pretty but aren’t necessary.

RECIPE: Quick and Easy 1-Minute Chocolate Chip Cake

Quick and Easy-1 Minute Chocolate Cake


Serves: 2

Prep Time: 10 minutes

In the Microwave: 1 minute + 30 seconds

  • Flour, 4 tablespoons
  • Cocoa Powder, 3 tablespoons
  • Caster Sugar, 5 Tablespoons
  • Salt, a pinch
  • Milk, 2 tablespoons
  • Melted Butter, 3 tablespoons
  • Egg, 1, slightly whisked
  • Vanilla Essence, 1 teaspoon
  • Chocolate Chips ((dark or white), 2 tablespoons (optional)


  1. In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder, sugar and salt). Pour the remaining ingredients (milk, melted butter, whisked egg, vanilla essence, egg) into the bowl and  mix until everything is properly combined. Add in the chocolate chips and mix.
  2. Grease two mugs with butter or oil. Line the mugs with butter paper or paper muffin cups (if you’re going to eat the cake directly from the mug, which is acceptable, you don’t need the butter paper). Divide the batter into these two mugs and microwave on high for 1 minute, then 30 seconds and its done.

Eat the cake  with ice cream or chocolate sauce or fresh berries. You can eat it directly from the cup, I’m not going to judge 😉

Quick and Easy-1 Minute Chocolate Cake

Eat the cake the same day for best results.

Write to me for any queries!

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24 thoughts on “1-Minute Microwave Chocolate Chip Cake

  1. I’ve never made a microwave mug cake b/c the reviews on them are always bad. This sounds and looks good! When you say to micro for 1 minute and then for 30 seconds, do I need to stop cooking at one minute and then do an additional 30 seconds or do it all at once? Is the stop to check for doneness?

    • Hi Veronica! Thanks for visiting! Yes.. You have to stop at 1 minute and then microwave additional 30 seconds and yes that is to check if the cake is done at 1 minute. If you like the centre gooey you can stop at 1 minute but I like mine a little well done so I microwave for another 30 seconds. You can always adjust the timing depending upon your microwave’s heat and how you like the centre to be! The maximum I’d recommend you to microwave is 2 minutes, after that the cake will become tough. Hope that helps!
      P.s. Yes I’ve heard bad reviews about mug cakes too but this one does the trick for me all the time! Try it and let me know how you get on, I hope you like it! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Homemade Oreos (eggless) |

  3. Pingback: Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies (Eggless) |

    • Hi Riddhi! Thanks for visiting.
      Unfortunately there’s no substitute for egg in this recipe (not that I know of). Egg is actually what makes it cook so quickly so if you skip that, your cake will fall apart. I’m so sorry!
      There’s another recipe on my blog. It’s a 6 minutes eggless vanilla cake, you could add in 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to it to make it a chocolate cake. Why don’t you try that? Here’s the link:–

      Let me know if you end up trying it. I’d love to know your reviews. 🙂

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